Incident information

1. Operator
Chemoform AG
Bahnhofstrasse 68
73240 Wendlingen
Telephone: +49 7024 4048-0

2. Regulations and ordinance
The obligations of the Major Accidents Ordinance (12th BImSchV) are fulfilled by Chemoform AG. As an operating area of the lower class, the Wendlingen plant is subject to the Major Accidents Ordinance with the basic obligations according to §§ 3 to 8a of the Major Accidents Ordinance. The notification in accordance with §7 Para. 1 of the Major Accidents Ordinance has been submitted to the competent authority (Stuttgart Regional Council; Environment Department).

3. Activities
Chemoform AG offers a complete range of efficient and innovative products for cleanliness, hygiene and care in private and public swimming pools. The operating area in Wendlingen comprises two warehouses for the intermediate storage and commissioning of swimming pool products. Some of the products belong to substance groups according to the StörfallV. The responsible operator within the meaning of the 12th BImSchV is Chemoform AG. Operational management is carried out by Waterman GmbH on behalf of Chemoform AG. Chemoform AG is the tenant of the Chemoform Immobilien GmbH building.

No chemical conversions or mixing processes are carried out in the Wendlingen operating area. No hazards emanate from the systems and equipment used during normal operation.

4. List of substances and hazards

5. Warning and behaviour in the event of an incident
If you are informed about a damaging event in one of Chemoform AG’s operating areas or about a transport accident involving hazardous substances, please observe the following instructions. In doing so, you will be contributing to your personal protection and to effective help for all. This information is also available on the Chemoform AG website:


• Sirens: The siren signal warns you of acute danger from hazardous substances. Go immediately into closed buildings and do not stay outdoors. Switch on the radio with a regional station.
• Loudspeaker announcements: Loudspeaker announcements are made by the fire brigade and police to warn of hazardous substances. There is not always a danger. Therefore, pay close attention to the announcements and follow the instructions.
• Radio announcements: Inform the local radio stations (SWR 1, 3, 4) about hazardous situations. Make sure that your location is actually part of the endangered area. Keep a battery-operated radio on hand.

Protective measures

• Go to a building: You are safest from airborne pollutants in buildings with closed windows and doors. Turn off ventilation and air conditioning. Notify your immediate neighbours, as they may not have heard the warnings. Especially help impaired and elderly people, as well as children.
• Health impairments: In case of health impairments, contact your family doctor or the medical emergency service or call one of the information telephones.
• Evacuation: As long as there are pollutants in the air, evacuation is in most cases more dangerous than staying in closed buildings. Do not leave the building unless specifically told to evacuate by the fire brigade or police.
• Barriers: Observe road and area closures. They are there for your protection. Follow the instructions of the police and fire brigade.
Emergency call: If you are in an emergency situation, dial the emergency numbers 110 or 112.
• Internet: You can get information about the situation and necessary protective measures as quickly as possible on the cities’ websites.
• Leaflets: The distribution of information leaflets in affected areas serves to inform about the extent of damage after a damaging event and to give advice on how to behave.
• All-clear: As a rule, radio announcements are used to inform you about the end of the hazardous situation and the lifting of safety measures that have been taken. The all-clear can also be given by loudspeaker vehicles.

All-Clear Notification

You will generally be informed about the end of the hazardous situation and the lifting of safety measures through radio announcements. All-clear notifications may also be issued via loudspeaker vehicles. If you are informed about an incident in an operating area of Chemoform AG or a transportation accident involving hazardous materials, please follow the instructions below. This contributes to your personal safety and effective assistance for everyone. These details are also available on the Chemoform AG website:

6. Date of the last on-site inspection pursuant to Section 17(2).
The last on-site inspection pursuant to Article 17 (2) of the Major Accidents Ordinance was carried out on 18.10.2021 by the responsible Stuttgart Regional Council.

After each on-site inspection, the responsible regional council prepares a report with the relevant findings on compliance with the licensing requirements and with conclusions on the need for further measures. During the surveillance, the technical, organisational and management-specific systems of an operating area are inspected. The competent authority inspects the operating area or safety-relevant systems of the operating area according to specific criteria.

7. Further information
Information, e.g. on the monitoring plan pursuant to Article 17 (1) of the Major Accidents Ordinance (StörfallV) or information pursuant to the Environmental Information Act (Umweltinformationsgesetz) can be obtained from the Stuttgart Regional Council.

Further information on Chemoform AG’s operations at the Wendlingen site can be obtained from the competent licensing authority under the protection of public or private interests in accordance with federal and state regulations on access to environmental information. For further information, please call 0711 904-0 or send an e-mail to

Stuttgart Regional Council, Department of the Environment, 70507 Stuttgart, Germany


CF Cleaners

The following documents contain the ingredient information in accordance with the German Detergents Regulation (EC No. 648/2004).

CF PVC Reiniger

Delphin Cleaners

The following documents contain the ingredient information in accordance with the German Detergents Regulation (EC No. 648/2004).

Delphin Reiniger S Spezial

Delphin Edelstahlreiniger

Delphin Fiberglasrestaurator

Delphin Rolladenreiniger

Delphin Filter Klar

Delphin Folien- und Kunststoffreiniger

Delphin Reiniger S Gel

Delphin Reiniger A Spezial

Delphin Reiniger S

Delphin Randklar Pulver

Delphin WP-Randreiniger Spezial

Further information can be found on the Pharmacos website

The European Commission provides a database of correspondences between INCI names, European Pharmacopoeia names, and CAS numbers. (CosIng Cosmetic Ingredients).

CosIng database (EN only)